AI-Driven Social Engineering Attacks Generally Consist of 4 Essential Elements:
1. Data Acquisition:
Cyber Criminals Meticulously Collect a Wide Array of Information about their Targets, which includes Social Media Profiles, Publicly Accessible Data, and any Information Leaked from prior Security Breaches. This Information serves as the Foundation for Training AI Models and Customising Attacks to Align with the Unique Traits and Behaviours of the Target.
2. Training of AI Models:
With the gathered Data, Attackers develop AI Models Capable of Producing Realistic Synthetic Media or Automating Interactions with the Targets. For instance, AI Technology can Generate Deepfake Videos that Accurately Replicate a Target’s Voice and Appearance or create Personalized Phishing Emails that Address the Target Directly and Incorporate Specific Details about their Personal or Professional life.
3. Implementation of the Attack:
The Content Generated by AI is Utilized in Executing a Social Engineering Attack. This could involve Dispatching a Deepfake Video Message from an Alleged Executive to Authorise a Fraudulent Transaction or Employing an AI Chat Bot to Interact with a Target in Real Time, Persuading them to Divulge Sensitive Information.
4. Exploitation and Aftermath:
Once the Target has been Misled and the Desired Information or Action has been Secured, the Attackers Exploit the Compromised Data or Access for Financial Gain or other Malicious purposes. Additionally, AI can be Employed to Assess the Success of the Attack and Enhance Strategies for Future Endeavours.