Cyber Security Governance, The Role of The Board

As cyber threats evolve, boards must remain vigilant in cyber security governance. Understanding threat and managing cyber risk are crucial for effective cyber security governance, and boards play a critical role in ensuring this. Not only do boards carry the legal responsibility and accountability for cyber governance within their organisation, but they also have the opportunity to harness the benefits that technology offers, drive their company’s agenda, and deliver real value throughout the organisation.

Upcoming Cyber Governance Training Pack for Boards

In the coming year, the NCSC is committed to developing a comprehensive and interactive online ‘Cyber Governance Training Pack’ for Boards. This will provide boards with valuable knowledge and practical guidance to enhance their understanding of cyber security governance.

The training will complement the Department of Science, Technology, and Innovation’s (DSIT) proposed Cyber Governance Code of Practice, currently open for call for views untill 19th March

  • The Code of Practice, which is aimed at executive and non-executive directors (and other senior leaders), sets out key actions to take to strengthen their cyber resilience and governance regarding cyber risk.
  • The NCSC’s existing Cyber Security Toolkit for Boards provides guidance on how to implement the actions the outlined in the Code.

As cyber threats evolve, boards must remain vigilant in cyber security governance. Our video, Board Toolkit, and upcoming training empower boards to understand risks and provide effective governance. We will update you on our progress later in the year. Keep an eye out for further announcements.